
  • Mohd Fadzil Abdul Rashid Department of Built Environment Studies and Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA, PERAK BRANCH, MALAYSIA
  • Salbiah Mokhtar Department of Built Environment Studies and Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA, PERAK BRANCH, MALAYSIA
  • Siti Mazwin Kamaruddin Centre of Studies for Town and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA, PUNCAK ALAM, MALAYSIA
  • Muhamad Asri Abdullah Kamar Department of Built Environment Studies and Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA, PERAK BRANCH, MALAYSIA
  • Suzanah Abdullah Department of Built Environment Studies and Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA, PERAK BRANCH, MALAYSIA 3
  • Mohamad Azal Fikry Ali Department of Built Environment Studies and Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA, PERAK BRANCH, MALAYSIA 3




FELDA, Sustainability, highest and best use, Smart Plantation Management System (SPMS), Resilient


Rural catalysts, specifically Malaysia’s Federation Land Development Authority (FELDA) settlement schemes promise a higher future return growth and become sustainable and resilient areas. FELDA, through the implementation of a Smart Plantation Management System (SPMS), has recently moved toward modern agricultural practices to increase productivity and optimise profits for the livelihoods of its settlers. This paper attempts to discover the FELDA lands development framework based on sustainability and the highest-best use (SHBU) concept as a missing link approach to SPMS. The idea is to oversee the potential of FELDA lands, not only for crops but also for other potential possible developments comprehensively. Analyses were based on literature review, contents analysis of relevant national development policies and FELDA’s Kertas Putih and preliminary works based on a focus group discussion (FGD). In the end, this paper offers a comprehensive FELDA lands development framework, which is timely in coping with the current issues and future potential development crop lands and FELDA settlements, with the aim to bring profits and prosperity to its settlers and all nations.


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How to Cite

Abdul Rashid, M. F., Mokhtar, S., Kamaruddin, S. M., Abdullah Kamar, M. A., Abdullah, S., & Ali, M. A. F. (2022). FELDA LANDS DEVELOPMENT BASED ON SUSTAINABILITY AND HIGHEST-BEST USE APPROACH: HOW TO GO ABOUT IT?. PLANNING MALAYSIA, 20(21). https://doi.org/10.21837/pm.v20i21.1106

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