Overtourism Impacts, Man-made Risk, Revisit Intention, Sustainability, World Heritage SiteAbstract
This research explores the interrelationships between overtourism impacts, perceived man-made risk and revisit intention among tourists visiting Melaka UNESCO World Heritage Site (WHS). The aim of the study is to illustrate the overutilization of destination resources and subsequent human risk that shape tourist behavioural from the outlooks of sustainable and tourism impacts. Five hundred and ninety-three responses were quantitatively collected through an online data collection. Partial least square structural equation modelling (PLSSEM) is employed to investigate the research hypotheses. It can be reported overtourism impacts have positive and significant influence on the perceived man-made risks. However, this is not the case for the relationship between overtourism impacts on revisit intention, and the perceived man-made risk on the latter construct. This renders the potential mediation role of perceived man-made risk as insignificant. The findings heighten the unique dynamics of overtourism within developing WHS planning in shaping tourist revisit intention.
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