
  • Muhamad Aizuddin Ibrahim Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN UNIVERSITY OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY
  • Nur Shahirah Mior Shariffuddin Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, UNIVERSITI SULTAN ZAINAL ABIDIN
  • Wan Mohd Adzim Wan Mohd Zain Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, UNIVERSITI SULTAN ZAINAL ABIDIN
  • Muhammad Nur Hidayat Mohd Salim Hospitality and Tourism Department, RELIANCE COLLEGE
  • Nur Hanifa Zainul School of Hospitality and Creative Arts, MANAGEMENT AND SCIENCES UNIVERSITY




Food Destination Reputation, Perceived Local Food Consumption, Food Destination Attractiveness, Melaka


This research examines the interrelationships among food destination reputation, the perceived value of local food consumption, and food destination attractiveness among tourists visiting Melaka as a renowned destination in Malaysia known for its vibrant culinary offerings. Through an online survey, a quantitative analysis was conducted, yielding a total of 135 responses that reflect tourists' viewpoints on the destination's food scene. The research employed Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to test the research hypotheses. The findings confirm that the perceived value of local food consumption mediates the relationship between a food destination's reputation and its overall attractiveness. These outcomes are valuable for tourism stakeholders and destination management organizations involved in the planning and developing Melaka as a food destination. This enables strategic decision-making for stakeholders to optimize their efforts to promote and enhance Melaka's culinary tourism experiences. Thus, ensuring the long-term viability of tourism in the region.


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How to Cite

Ibrahim, M. A., Mior Shariffuddin, N. S., Wan Mohd Zain, W. M. A., Mohd Salim, M. N. H., & Zainul, N. H. (2023). EXPLORING THE NEXUS OF FOOD DESTINATION REPUTATION, PERCEIVED VALUE OF LOCAL FOOD CONSUMPTION, AND FOOD DESTINATION ATTRACTIVENESS IN MELAKA, MALAYSIA. PLANNING MALAYSIA, 21(30). https://doi.org/10.21837/pm.v21i30.1398