City Image, Urban Square, Path, Legibility, Administrative CapitalAbstract
The ‘Dataran’ or urban square has been suffering an identity loss as a result from rapid urbanization despite its significance in shaping the city image. The concept of "city image," often referred to as a city's reputation or perception. Even though numerous studies had address different contribution of an urban square, there is only limited information that addresses its role in shaping city image, especially in relation to administrative capital in Malaysia. This paper is vital as it intends to provide emphasis to the actual role of the urban square once again. This study aims to examine the role of urban squares’ path in shaping the city image through observable analysis on past and present administrative capitals in Malaysia; Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur and Dataran Putra, Putrajaya. The observable analysis will draw attention to two subject matters of paths; Clarity of Access Linkages and Directional Quality. Comparison will be made and the urban square that shows a stronger role in shaping the city image will be determined. Conclusively, it is found out that the urban square with higher clarity in the access linkages and strong directional quality are prone to show stronger role in shaping the city image. Based on the observable analysis, Dataran Putra shows a stronger role in shaping a city image as almost 100% of its’ paths shows clarity in its’ access linkages and form a strong directional quality due to its radial alignment.
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