entrepreneurial human capital, empowerment, asnaf entrepreneurial, Selangor, zakatAbstract
This article investigates the relationship between entrepreneurial human capital and empowerment among asnaf entrepreneurs in Selangor, Malaysia. Drawing on a quantitative research approach, data was collected through surveys to assess entrepreneurial human capital and empowerment levels. Results indicate moderate levels of entrepreneurial competency among asnaf entrepreneurs, with strengths in idea generation and resilience, yet areas for improvement in financial management. Empowerment scores reflect a moderate level of autonomy and proactive engagement in income generation activities. The correlation analysis reveals a positive and statistically significant relationship between entrepreneurial human capital and empowerment. Findings underscore the importance of entrepreneurial skills in fostering empowerment among asnaf entrepreneurs, highlighting the need for ongoing training and support initiatives to enhance their business capabilities and contribute to community development. The study recommends commencing with asset mapping to recognize the potential within marginalized communities, then proceeding with targeted capacity building to foster entrepreneurship-based empowerment, utilizing the identified potential as criteria for selecting asnaf individuals for entrepreneurial projects.
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