Poverty, spatial variation, determining factorAbstract
This study seeks to investigate the evolution of poverty in Java from 2010 to 2020, as well as the regional factors that contributing to disparities in poverty between regions. The results of the analysis indicate a downward trend in the number and proportion of poor people on the island of Java but a rise during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are regional distribution groups with high and low poverty rates. The results of the ANOVA reveal significant differences in the occurrence of urban poverty on the island of Java based on province and regional status but not by zone. Positively and negatively, the majority of the predictors have a very significant relationship with poverty. Six regional variables (level of consumption (expenditure), level of health (life expectancy), income per capita, level of education (number of years of schooling), population density (people/km2), and economic potential (GRDP at current prices)) account for 68.10% of the variation in the number of poor people in Java, while the remaining 31.9% is determined by other variables. The model of variation in Java's poverty is determined by three variables: per capita income, GRDP, and public consumption level.
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