
  • Wen-Pei Low Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Quantity Surveying, INTI INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, MALAYSIA
  • Wong Wai Chun Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Quantity Surveying, INTI INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, MALAYSIA
  • Fung-Lung Chang Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Quantity Surveying, INTI INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, MALAYSIA
  • Hoong Pin Lee Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Quantity Surveying, INTI INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, MALAYSIA
  • Noorul Hudai Abdullah Neo Environmental Technology, Centre for Diploma Studies, UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA
  • Santhana Krishnan Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, PRINCE OF SONGKLA UNIVERSITY, THAILAND
  • Kian-Ghee Tiew School of Environmental Science and Engineering, GUANGDONG UNIVERSITY OF PETROCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY, CHINA



fly ash, metal ions, water treatment, adsorption, water pollution


Rapid urbanisation in Malaysia has accelerated water pollution in rivers and other water sources, causing irreversible harm to the ecosystem. In view of that, this study aimed to work on using fly ash to address certain heavy metal components (chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn)) present in polluted water. The experiment employed three batches of fly ash. Two batches were treated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH-FA) and hydrochloric acid (HCl-FA), whereas one batch was left untreated (UFA). The three batches of adsorbents were examined by using a jar test after solutions containing 100 mg/L of Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn ions were made. The results of various contact periods demonstrated that the fly ash had variable capacities for metal ion adsorption. The maximum adsorption of UFA was 79.958%(Cr), 80.814%(Cu), 81.580%(Ni), and 82.742%(Zn) while HCl-FA was adsorbing 77.148%(Cr), 82.546%(Cu), 78.896%(Ni), and 78.248%(Zn). NaOH-FA in this study was found to adsorb 80.828%(Cr), 79.230%(Cu), 81.692%(Ni), and 77.394%(Zn). Further to this, it was revealed that the Temkin Isotherm model was best fitted with the highest R² values (> 0.98). The negative value of the slope, B indicated that the adsorption is an endothermic process which leans towards physical adsorption. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the successful application of fly ash in water or wastewater treatment of metal ions.


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How to Cite

Low, W.-P., Chun, W. W., Chang, F.-L., Lee, H. P., Abdullah, N. H., Krishnan, S., & Tiew, K.-G. (2024). REMOVAL OF VARIOUS METAL IONS IN WATER BY DIFFERENT PRE-TREATMENTS OF FLY ASH. PLANNING MALAYSIA, 22(33).