Pedestrian Crossing Attributes, Computer Vision, Intersection, Heterogeneous Traffic Environment, Crossing SpeedAbstract
This study aims to evaluate pedestrian crossing attributes in heterogeneous traffic environments using computer vision. For this purpose, YoloV8 models were optimised to detect pedestrian crossing attributes. Moreover, an OpenCV-based Python programme was developed to track pedestrian trajectories manually. For accuracy, the inverse perspective mapping method is applied to obtain a bird's eye view. Finally, a heatmap of pedestrian trajectories was provided to visualise the pedestrian crossing attributes. The results show that more than three-quarters of pedestrians are engaging in noncompliance crossing behaviours at major intersections in Kabul City, Afghanistan. In addition, pedestrians tend to walk longer, more frequent routes at corners and outside of crosswalks. Furthermore, statistical analysis reveals that pedestrian crossing speed decreased by 5.8% when disobeying crossing rules, indicating the significant effect of pedestrian attributes on crossing speed. In conclusion, this study contributes to a better understanding of pedestrian behaviour in heterogeneous traffic environments using computer vision. The results would provide insightful information to traffic engineers and planners for traffic management.
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