Building Information Modelling (BIM), BIM electronic submission, BIM roles and responsibilities, individual BIM competenciesAbstract
This paper delves into the impact of the transition to Building Information Modelling electronic submission (BIM e-Submission) within local authorities (PBT) in Malaysia. The study comprehensively analyzes the essential competencies necessary to implement BIM e-Submission successfully. It emphasizes the potential dire consequences of inadequate skill allocation in Malaysia's BIM e-Submission initiatives, underlining the urgency of addressing this issue. Using a multi-method qualitative approach to gather primary data and thoroughly examine existing literature, the research constructs a robust conceptual framework elucidating the critical competencies required of BIM e-Submission practitioners within the PBT domain. The findings underscore the necessity of developing a BIM e-Submission occupational competency framework as a development strategy to enhance the training and proficiency of BIM e-Submission practitioners. This paper aims to advance understanding of BIM e-Submission in Malaysia, increase stakeholder awareness of relevant roles, responsibilities, and competencies, and promote the advancement of digital construction through optimized utilization of BIM e-Submission practices.
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