
  • Ho Nhu Ngoc Tourism Program, Faculty of Cultural Industries Sport and Tourism, THU DAU MOT UNIVERSITY, VIETNAM
  • Shida Irwana Omar School of Housing Building and Planning, UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA, MALAYSIA
  • Nguyen Ngoc Chau Ngan Tourism Program, Faculty of Cultural Industries Sport and Tourism, THU DAU MOT UNIVERSITY, VIETNAM




domestic tourists, push and pull theory, tourist behaviour, tourist motivation, Vietnam


Tourist motivations is a fundamental aspect of tourism planning as it enhances marketing efforts, product development, competitive positioning, and facilitates informed policymaking. As such, the present study provides accurate data with which to develop tourism planning in Vietnam based on the push motivation and pull motivation factors of Vietnamese domestic tourists. A quantitative method, namely, a questionnaire that was designed based on a self-desk study, expert opinions, and tour guide opinions, was used to collect data. Out of 670 questionnaire returned, 664 were ultimately usable for analysis. Descriptive analysis, factor analysis, and regression binary logistic models were then used to analyse the collected data. Seven important push motivation factors, namely, fulfilling prestige, fun and entertainment, escape, family and friends' togetherness, fulfilling spiritual needs, social relationships, and gaining knowledge were identified as important to Vietnamese domestic tourists. Meanwhile, the four important pull motivations for Vietnamese domestic tourists were events and activities; destination's facility, service, and trip sponsor; historical and cultural attractions; and natural resources. The findings can be used to develop tourism planning for domestic tourism in Vietnam. Destinations may use the insights on tourist motivations to attracts tourists and provide them with fulfilling experiences, which would, ultimately, contribute to the overall success and sustainability of Vietnam's tourism industry. Besides, the findings contribute to extant literature on the tourist motivations and tourist behaviours of Vietnamese domestic tourists. Lastly, the case study of Vietnam may serve as confirmation of the value of tourist motivations in tourism planning.


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How to Cite

Ngoc, H. N., Omar, S. I., & Chau Ngan, N. N. (2024). EFFECTS OF TOURIST MOTIVATION ON TOURISM PLANNING: A CASE STUDY OF DOMESTIC TOURISTS IN VIETNAM. PLANNING MALAYSIA, 22(34). https://doi.org/10.21837/pm.v22i34.1581