E-waste, Recycling, Environmental, SustainableAbstract
Millions of electrical and electronic devices are thrown away annually due to items breaking or needing to be updated. These discarded electronics are referred to as e-waste. Using an online survey with a quantitative approach, this study examined the interrelationships among knowledge of hazards of e-waste, attitude towards e-waste recycling, pro-environmental intention, and e-waste recycling behaviour among households in Kelantan, Malaysia (n=300). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to examine the relationships between the variables. The findings of this study reveal a favourable relationship between knowledge of the hazards of e-waste and attitude towards e-waste recycling with pro-environmental intentions. Furthermore, an appropriate relationship was discovered between the intention to e-waste recycling behaviour. The study provides theoretical insights and practical suggestions relevant to regulators and practitioners, focusing on encouraging e-waste recycling to support environmental sustainability.
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