
  • Nurul Rif’ah Afiqah Abd Rauf Faculty of Architecture, Planning, and Surveying UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (UiTM)
  • Hamizah Yakob Faculty of Architecture, Planning, and Surveying Responsive Environmental Development (RED) Research Group UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (UiTM)
  • Yusfida Ayu Abdullah Faculty of Architecture, Planning, and Surveying Responsive Environmental Development (RED) Research Group UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (UiTM)
  • Ling Oliver Hoon Leh Faculty of Architecture, Planning, and Surveying UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (UiTM)
  • Marlyana Azyyati Marzukhi Faculty of Architecture, Planning, and Surveying UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (UiTM)
  • Raja Norashekin Raja Othman Faculty of Architecture, Planning, and Surveying UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA (UiTM)




Human Behaviour, Domestic Waste, Recycling, Theory of Planned Behaviour


Malaysia is experiencing waste disposal management issues involving the lack of recycling practices among human behaviour, the absence of domestic waste recycling mechanisms, and poor enforcement for recycling activities. Previous studies revealed that households generate domestic waste hence requires changes in domestic waste management. This paper aims to establish the conceptual framework of solid waste recycling practice by employing the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). Content analysis was employed to verify the trends of research in the related topic. From prior related studies, a variety of approaches based on the TPB model were examined. Results demonstrated that many factors influence the household’s behaviour in domestic waste recycling using the TPB model. The outcome of this study was a conceptual framework in determining the factors of human behaviour in domestic waste recycling. The framework can therefore be a mechanism for authority in managing domestic waste.


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How to Cite

Abd Rauf, N. R. A., Yakob, H., Abdullah, Y. A., Oliver Hoon Leh, L., Marzukhi, M. A., & Raja Othman, R. N. (2021). EXPLORING THE THEORY PLANNED BEHAVIOUR TO DERIVE THE FACTORS OF HUMAN BEHAVIOUR FOR DOMESTIC WASTE RECYCLING. PLANNING MALAYSIA, 19(16). https://doi.org/10.21837/pm.v19i16.967