
  • Norainah Abdul Rahman Faculty of Architecture Planning and Surveying UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGJ MARA, PERAK, MALAYSIA
  • Dasimah Omar Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA
  • Abdul Ghani Salleh School of Housing Building and Planning UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA, PULAU PINANG, MALAYSIA



Neighbourhood, Neighbourhood Quality, Physical Factors, Social Factors, Economic factors.


The basic concept of neighbourhood refers to a physical boundary where people lead their private lives. Neighbourhood is about physical environment, economy and social which constitute the sense of community and place attachment. The development and neighbourhood changes for urban renewal, urban regeneration and redevelopment are to fulfil the people's needs and requirements. The neighbourhood changes are required to improve the neighbourhood conditions such as neighbourhood quality, liveable neighbourhood, healthy neighbourhood, sustainable neighbourhood, dynamic and self-stabilising neighbourhood, safe neighbourhood and better neighbourhood. All of these are shared towards people's well-being, health, safety and sustainable communities. This article looks into the multivariable influences in the provision of neighbourhood quality for the residents' needs in their housing and neighbourhood area. Previous research had explained three multivariable factors that influenced the quality of neighbourhood namely physical, social and economic aspects. The physical aspects were examined in four categories namely dwelling unit, facilities and services, accessibility and surrounding environment. The social aspects were classified as socio-demographic, social community and social interaction and place attachment. The economic aspect focused on the socio-economic of the residents.


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