Responsible tourism, destination sustainability, local communityAbstract
The tourism industry has relied on long-term planning and is anticipating growing availability and demand for socially, ecologically, and economically responsible tourism. As a novel idea, responsible tourism practices may boost efforts for sustainable tourism development, improving the image and competitiveness of tourism destinations, and averting overtourism. The purpose of this research is to examine at the link between responsible tourism and destination sustainability in Cameron Highlands communities. This study employed a descriptive research and a cross-sectional design. In order to complete the study, questionnaires were distributed to local communities in three (3) Cameron Highlands sub-districts: Ulu Telum, Tanah Rata, and Ringlet. According to correlation and regression tests, the study found a significant relationship between responsible tourism and destination sustainability. As a result, destination sustainability necessitates a greater emphasis on the development of environmental consciousness, sustainable livelihood, and community well-being. Because local communities are a component of the tourism experience, the study findings can help tourism stakeholders execute tourism development plans based on local community views and quality of life.
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