Cluster Analysis, Green Campus, Pearson Correlation, Sustainability, Quality of LifeAbstract
This study seeks to investigate the existing green practices implemented at UniSZA to achieve sustainability and enhance the quality of life for campus society. This study employs quantitative methodologies, specifically utilizing questionnaire survey techniques to gather empirical data. The Pearson Correlation and Cluster Analysis were utilized to determine the correlation among the questions. The result indicates that there is a positive correlation between all questions. Only some questions have weak correlations which correlated to the recognition of the significance of sustainability and the adoption of tangible measures to translate its principles into reality. The cluster analysis successfully sorted the 20 questions related to green campus and perceived quality of life into three distinct clusters: high perceived quality of life, moderate perceived quality of life, and low perceived quality of life. The findings indicated that the UniSZA society expressed a good perceived quality of life regarding their mean score. However, in terms of satisfaction with their campus society, UniSZA still lacks the green campus aspect implementation. Therefore, it is imperative to heighten awareness of the green campus aspect through the collaboration of the entire campus society, emphasizing the importance of green technology in achieving sustainable development.
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