derivation formula, land value, coastline, coastal erosionAbstract
The coastal area hosts significant economic activity with some of the highest property values, which the government and private investors aim to maintain and secure their interests. Yet, this area presented a growing risk to coastal properties' value because the land and structural attributes are vulnerable to erosion. Few empirical studies have included erosion rate besides the land attribute and reclamation in analysing its impact on the value of coastal land, especially in Malaysia. Hence, this study aims to derive a coastal erosion formula for valuing the coastal land values in Malaysia. Taman Alai Perdana (Crystal Bay), Melaka, was selected as a case study area for investigating formula derivation. Based on the formula derivation, the findings have determined that significant property values were affected by erosion in the study area. Using property One (1) in Crystal Bay Alai, Melaka, as an example, with a land area of 632m2, it was valued at RM163286.26 or RM236.81/m2 before formula application. Then, by applying the formula for the same property, considering the identified area erosion rate of -1.41m required a reclamation width of 2.5m to rectify the erosion. So, a value of RM163,286.26 with a difference of RM13,625.00 was determined. Hence, the study has determined reclamation and erosion rate should be included in the coastal land valuation.
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