
  • Normah Abdul Latip School of Housing Building and Planning UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA
  • Mastura Jaafar School of Housing Building and Planning UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA
  • Azizan Marzuki School of Housing Building and Planning UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA
  • Kamand Mohammadzadeh Roufechaei School of Housing Building and Planning UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA
  • Mohd Umzarulazijo Umar School of Housing Building and Planning UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA




Conservation and park management, environmental issues, tourist satisfaction, Kinabalu National Park


National parks serve as rural ecotourism attractions, even though this area is very fragile. Therefore, conservation management must be implemented to ensure the balance of the environment is maintained. This study aims to study the relationship between park management, issues and tourist satisfaction in a protected area, Kinabalu Park. Moreover, this study considers the mediating role of environmental issues on the relationship between park management and tourist satisfaction. Overall, 351 respondents agreed to participate. A questionnaire survey was administered to visitors of Malaysia’s Kinabalu National Park. In total, 351 completed questionnaires were returned and have been analysed using Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze the resultant data using SmartPLS 2.0. The results showed that park management has a strong effect on tourist satisfaction and environmental issues. The results also revealed that environmental issues play a mediating role in the relationship between park management and tourist satisfaction. The findings of this study make a significant contribution to our current understanding of the importance of park management, especially in the protected area as well as addressing the existing issues and provide positive satisfaction to tourists. Through the results, it will significantly contribute to the conservation and management of the protected area to be more sustainable in the future.


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How to Cite

Abdul Latip, N., Jaafar, M., Marzuki, A., Roufechaei, K. M., & Umar, M. U. (2020). SPECTACLE OF CONSERVATION AND TOURISM IN PROTECTED AREAS: ANALYSIS OF MANAGEMENT, ISSUES AND TOURIST SATISFACTION. PLANNING MALAYSIA, 18(14). https://doi.org/10.21837/pm.v18i14.847

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